Listen carefully - Neither party will ever be the same

"Listen Carefully" is the name of Sebastian Hilgetags (Concept/Direction/Cinematography/Editing)  first movie for which I wrote and produced the music and sound. 

>> Listen Carefully portraits the hecticness in this days and age and also shows, what could happen, if you still let yourself temp to get into inspiration of any kind. It orchestrates and visualizes the words of Bruce Mau's "Incomplete Manifesto for Growth"<<

The film was created as a fulldome movie, but there is also a "normal" version available. It can be seen here: 

It was a really interesting and elaborate project, as it was only both of us to shoulder all the work - Basti did all the visual work and I did all the aural. Plus Steph who was our starring actress.

With this filmlet we won the "Dissolving Space Award" and the "Audience Award" at the Fulldome Festival Jena in 2012. We did not expect that - Skyskan and Zeiss Planetatrium thanks for your support!

I am also vera grateful to Sebastian, that he chose me to write the music for this movie. He inspired me a lot. This won't be our last movie together.

If you wondered about the credits:
Below your eyes is the name of my solo-musicproject  with a Electronica/Progressive/melodic Industrial musical style. Even though I am writing music for years now, I did not publish any of it. Listen carefully is the first sign of life of below your eyes and there is more to come.

Have a great weekend and stay tuned <3

And if you want treat yourself to something beautiful, get some eye candy here: